Want to maintain a lush and green lawn without using too much water?
Keeping your lawn looking lush and green all year round can be quite a daunting task, especially with the increasing concern about water in the world. While preserving this natural resource holds the utmost importance, it is also quite natural to desire a beautiful landscape that you can enjoy with family and friends.
We put together four easy steps to make your grass look its best while still conserving water.
1. Feed Regularly
Just like any other plants, grasses also rely on nutrients to survive. Regular feedings of two-four times a year will not only keep your lawn fresh and lush, but also supply the nutrients your lawn needs to endure the stresses of wear & tear, weather, and drought. Feeding your grass can also help in growing out deeper roots that can adept at seeking out water way down in the soil. Lawns with deeper roots require less watering.
2. Mow at the Right Height
While short lawns are often preferred in many neighborhoods, cutting lawns too short can result in your grass losing its natural green hue. This is because shorter blades of grass are not capable of retaining moisture. Ideally, you should adjust your mower to a height of about two inches. Grass mowed at the proper height supports deeper roots to find water and nutrients in the soil. Taller blades of grass shades soil, reducing water evaporation, keeping it cooler, and hydrated longer.
3. Leave Your Clipping on the Lawn
While mowing, leave the grass clippings on your lawn as they tend to break down quickly and return nutrients to the soil. Mow at regular intervals so that too much of the grass blade isn’t removed at one time, as this can shock the grass and affect its growth.
4. Harvest Rainwater
Mother nature provides the earth with a free source of water that we often neglect. Invest in rain barrels that are designed to collect rainwater to use for later throughout your landscaping. While harvesting rainwater probably won’t cover all of your watering needs, it will definitely help in conserving public water on your lawn.
By following these steps, you can do your part to conserve water and balance lawncare within the needs of your community.